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HomeTechnologyGraphics CardWhy is your onboard graphics card not working? Solutions to fix it!

Why is your onboard graphics card not working? Solutions to fix it!

Have you ever experienced issues with your onboard graphics card? These issues can range from blurry screen displays to complete system shutdowns. But don’t worry, you’re not alone! Troubleshooting onboard graphics card issues can be daunting and frustrating, but with a few simple steps, you can diagnose and resolve the issue quickly and efficiently. Think of your onboard graphics card like the engine of your car.

It’s the driving force behind the visuals on your computer screen and needs to be running smoothly for optimal performance. Similar to how a mechanic would investigate engine problems, you’ll need to investigate the issue with your graphics card. One common issue is outdated or incorrect drivers.

Just like your car requires regular maintenance, your graphics card requires updated drivers to function properly. Another issue could be overheating or dust buildup. This can cause the graphics card to shut down or produce poor display quality.

Don’t let these issues get you down! In this blog post, we’ll cover the most common troubleshoots for onboard graphics card issues and how to prevent them from happening in the future. Think of yourself as a graphics card mechanic, ready to tackle any problem that comes your way. Let’s get started!

Check Hardware Connections

If you’re experiencing issues with your onboard graphics card not working, it could be due to a loose or faulty hardware connection. The first thing you should do is check that all the cables and ports are securely connected. Make sure that your monitor is properly plugged into the graphics card’s output port and that the card is securely seated in the motherboard’s PCI-E slot.

If everything seems fine, try removing and reinserting the card to make sure it’s properly seated. It’s also a good idea to check the card’s power connectors to make sure they’re plugged in correctly. If you’ve checked all the connections and your onboard graphics card still isn’t working, there may be a hardware issue that needs to be addressed.

It’s always a good idea to consult a professional or the manufacturer’s support team for further assistance.

Ensure Graphics Card Properly Seated

If you’re experiencing issues with your graphics card, one of the first things to check is whether it’s properly seated in your computer. This means taking a close look at the connections between your graphics card and motherboard to make sure everything is tightly connected. Loose or improperly seated cards can lead to all sorts of problems, from visual glitches to system crashes.

Luckily, fixing this issue is usually a quick and straightforward task. If you’re new to working with computer hardware, the idea of opening up your computer and tinkering around inside might seem daunting. However, checking your hardware connections is a basic step that any PC user can take.

Once you’ve located your graphics card, carefully unplug it from your system and give the connections a good once-over. Is there any visible damage or wear? Are the pins properly aligned? Once you’re satisfied that everything looks good, plug the card back into place, making sure to firmly press it down until you hear a satisfying click. In cases where your graphics card is still not functioning properly after ensuring it’s properly seated, it might be necessary to look into other causes like outdated drivers or hardware malfunctions.

However, checking your connections is always a good first step to take when troubleshooting PC issues. By following these simple steps, you’ll be well on your way to getting your graphics card back to working condition in no time.

onboard graphics card not working

Check Power Connections

If you’re experiencing any hardware problems with your system, one of the first things you should check is the power connections. It’s not uncommon for power cables to become loose or disconnected, leading to various issues. The power cable that connects to your CPU, motherboard, and other hardware should be securely inserted.

You may also want to check the power supply unit (PSU) to ensure that it’s working correctly. If you’re using a UPS or surge protector, check to see if the device is working correctly. If the device isn’t plugged in, try plugging it in and restarting your system to see if it resolves the issue.

Remember that troubleshooting hardware isn’t a straightforward task, so patience is essential. If you’re not comfortable with performing the checks yourself, it’s best to call a professional. With proper power connections, your system hardware should function as expected.

Update Drivers and BIOS

If you’re having trouble with your onboard graphics card not working, one of the most basic things you can do is to update your drivers and BIOS. Sometimes, outdated drivers can cause conflicts and prevent your card from working properly. So, make sure to check the manufacturer’s website for the latest versions of your drivers and install them.

Similarly, updating your BIOS can help resolve any issues related to hardware compatibility or stability. However, please note that updating your BIOS can be a complicated process and should be done with caution. Make sure you fully understand the procedure and follow the instructions carefully to avoid any problems.

By keeping your system up-to-date with the latest drivers and BIOS, you can optimize the performance of your onboard graphics card and ensure it works smoothly.

Install Latest Graphics Card Drivers

Keeping your graphics card drivers updated is crucial for maintaining smooth and high-quality performance of your computer. Outdated drivers can cause a lot of issues, including slow video playback, game crashes, and system freezes. Regular updates to your graphics card drivers not only improve performance, but also can fix bugs in the software and improve security.

When updating your graphics card drivers, it’s important to also update your BIOS (Basic Input/Output System). Your BIOS ensures proper communication between your hardware and software, and updating to the latest version can improve compatibility and performance. By keeping both drivers and BIOS updated, you can ensure that your computer is running at its best.

So, take the time to stay up-to-date and enjoy a smoother, more reliable performance from your computer.

Update BIOS to Ensure Compatibility

One of the essential steps in ensuring compatibility is updating your computer’s BIOS. BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is the firmware that manages the hardware of your computer, including the motherboard and peripherals. It is essential to keep the BIOS up-to-date as manufacturers regularly update it to improve performance, stability, and compatibility.

Nowadays, most manufacturers have an automated process for BIOS updates, which can be done through their website or software utility. Updating your BIOS before installing any new hardware or software can prevent compatibility issues and system crashes. Also, it’s worth noting that updating the BIOS requires caution, as any interruption may cause irreversible damage to the system.

Therefore, before updating, it’s crucial to have a backup plan and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Overall, keeping your drivers and BIOS up-to-date is crucial to avoid compatibility and stability issues that could affect the performance of your computer.

Check System Requirements

If you’re experiencing issues with your onboard graphics card not working, the first thing you should do is check your system requirements. An onboard graphics card relies heavily on the computer’s CPU, RAM, and storage, so it’s important to ensure that these components meet the recommended system requirements. If any of these components fall short, it can lead to poor performance and potentially cause the onboard graphics card not to function correctly.

Additionally, make sure that your drivers are up to date as outdated drivers can cause conflicts with the onboard graphics card. If you’ve checked everything and the onboard graphics card still isn’t working, it may be time to consider upgrading to a separate graphics card. Upgrading to a separate graphics card can significantly improve your computer’s performance and provide more stable graphics output.

Ensure Graphics Card Meets Minimum Requirements

Checking system requirements is crucial to ensure that your graphics card meets the minimum requirements for running certain applications or games. A graphics card that doesn’t meet the minimum required specifications will likely cause poor performance, system crashes, or even failure to run at all. Take note of the recommended and required specifications provided by the software or game developer.

These specifications may include the operating system, processor, RAM, and most importantly, the graphics card. The graphics card specifications may include brand, model, video memory, and DirectX version. It’s important to understand that a high-end graphics card may not necessarily perform better than a low-end one if it doesn’t meet the game or software’s minimum requirements.

So, always double-check your system’s specifications before making any upgrades or purchases. Are you wondering if your graphics card meets the game’s minimum requirements? Use online tools such as to check your system specifications against the game’s requirements.

Check System Compatibility with Graphics Card

If you’re planning to upgrade your graphics card, it’s essential to check if your system is compatible, and that includes checking the system requirements. The system requirements for a graphics card will vary depending on the model you choose as different models require specific hardware and software. Hence, your system must meet the minimum requirements to ensure a smooth and seamless experience.

You can find the required specifications in the manual or on the manufacturer’s website. Ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements for power, RAM, and system interface. Also, determine if the card you’re getting is compatible with your operating system to avoid any compatibility issues.

Checking these specifications will save you from potential headaches that come after installation. Therefore, do not overlook this aspect when purchasing a new graphics card.

Consult Manufacturer or Technical Support

If you are experiencing issues with your onboard graphics card not working, it can be frustrating and often difficult to troubleshoot. Sometimes the issue may be due to a hardware malfunction or software glitch. Before attempting to fix the issue on your own, it is always recommended to reach out for support from the manufacturer or technical support team.

They have the expertise and knowledge to help diagnose and solve the problem efficiently and effectively. Additionally, they may have specific troubleshooting steps or updates that can fix the issue without the need for outside assistance. So save yourself the headaches and reach out to the experts when it comes to resolving issues with your onboard graphics card.

Contact Computer or Graphics Card Manufacturer for Assistance

If you’re experiencing issues with your computer or graphics card, the best course of action is to contact the manufacturer’s technical support team for assistance. They have the expertise and knowledge to diagnose and resolve any problems you may be experiencing. Whether it’s a hardware issue or a software glitch, they will be able to guide you towards a solution.

Many manufacturers have a support website where you can find articles and FAQs related to your issue. You also have the option of reaching out to them via phone or email for personalized assistance. Don’t hesitate to contact them, as they are there to help you get the most out of your device.

By working with the manufacturer, you can feel confident that you are getting the best possible support for your computer or graphics card. So, don’t let technical issues frustrate you – reach out to the manufacturer for assistance and get back to enjoying your device in no time!


In conclusion, having an onboard graphics card that is not working is like trying to play a game of chess with missing pieces – it just won’t work effectively. It’s important to ensure that all the essential components of your computer are functioning properly, in order to maximize its potential. So, if you’re experiencing issues with your onboard graphics card, it’s time to take action and get it fixed so you can enjoy your computer to its fullest.


What are the common reasons for an onboard graphics card not working?
The onboard graphics card may not work due to outdated drivers, hardware conflicts, or faulty hardware.

How do I check if my onboard graphics card is working properly?
You can check if your onboard graphics card is working by going to the Device Manager and looking for any warning signs or error messages.

Can an onboard graphics card be repaired if it is not working?
If the onboard graphics card is faulty due to hardware issues, it may need to be replaced. Otherwise, updating drivers or resolving hardware conflicts can often fix the issue.

Is it possible to disable the onboard graphics card and use a dedicated graphics card instead?
Yes, you can disable the onboard graphics card and use a dedicated graphics card instead by going into your computer’s BIOS settings and changing the display adapter option.

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