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HomeGuideHow toHow to Fix Computer Won't Boot Error: A Complete Guide

How to Fix Computer Won’t Boot Error: A Complete Guide

If you are a computer user, you may have experienced a situation where your computer won’t boot up. This can be a frustrating problem, especially if you have important work to do. In this article, we will guide you on how to fix the computer won’t boot error.

Common Causes of Computer Won’t Boot Error

There are several reasons why your computer may not be able to boot up properly. These include:

Hardware Issues

Hardware issues are one of the most common causes of the computer won’t boot error. Some of the hardware issues that can cause this problem include a faulty hard drive, RAM, or motherboard.

Software Issues

Software issues can also cause the computer won’t boot error. Some of the common software issues that can cause this problem include corrupted or damaged system files, missing boot files, or a virus infection.

Power Supply Issues

Power supply issues can also cause the computer won’t boot error. If your computer is not receiving enough power, it may not be able to boot up properly.

Troubleshooting Steps to Fix Computer Won’t Boot Error

Here are some troubleshooting steps that you can follow to fix the computer won’t boot error:

Check the Power Connection

Make sure that your computer is properly plugged in and the power outlet is working. If your computer is using a power strip, make sure that it is also properly plugged in and turned on.

Check the Display Connection

Make sure that your computer is properly connected to the display. If you are using an external display, make sure that it is properly connected to the computer.

Remove External Devices

Disconnect all external devices, such as printers, scanners, and USB drives. These devices can sometimes cause issues with the boot process.

Run Computer in Safe Mode

If your computer is not booting up properly, try booting it up in safe mode. Safe mode is a diagnostic mode that can help you troubleshoot the issue.

Check the Startup Settings

If your computer is not booting up properly, you can try changing the startup settings. You can access the startup settings by pressing the F8 key during bootup.

Repair the Windows Installation

If your computer is not booting up properly, you can try repairing the Windows installation. This can be done using the Windows installation disk.

Reinstall Windows

If all else fails, you can try reinstalling Windows. This will erase all the data on your computer, so make sure that you have backed up all your important files.

How to Fix Computer Won't Boot Error

Advanced Solutions to Fix Computer Won’t Boot Error

If the basic troubleshooting steps didn’t fix the computer won’t boot error, you can try these advanced solutions:

Boot from a CD/DVD

You can boot your computer from a CD/DVD that contains a bootable operating system. This will allow you to access your computer and troubleshoot the issue.

Use System Restore

If you have previously created a system restore point, you can use it to restore your computer to a previous state where it was working properly.

Use Bootable USB Drive

You can create a bootable USB drive with a Windows operating system. This will allow you to access your computer and troubleshoot the issue.

Use Third-Party Software

There are several third-party software programs that can help you fix the computer won’t boot error. These include Easy Recovery Essentials, Active@ Boot Disk, and Hiren’s BootCD.

How to Fix Computer Won't Boot Error

Tips to Prevent Computer Won’t Boot Error

Here are some tips that can help you prevent the computer won’t boot error:

Keep Your Computer Clean and Dust-Free

Dust can accumulate inside your computer and cause hardware issues. Make sure that you clean your computer regularly to prevent dust buildup.

Keep Your Computer Safe from Power Surges

Power surges can damage your computer’s hardware. Use a surge protector to protect your computer from power surges.

Keep Your Computer Free from Viruses and Malware

Viruses and malware can cause software issues that can lead to the computer won’t boot error. Make sure that you have a reliable antivirus program installed on your computer and keep it up to date.

How to Fix Computer Won't Boot Error

Update Your Operating System Regularly

Updating your operating system can help prevent software issues that can cause the computer won’t boot error. Make sure that you regularly update your operating system to the latest version.


The computer won’t boot error can be a frustrating problem for computer users. In this article, we have provided you with a complete guide on how to fix the computer won’t boot error. We have discussed the common causes of the problem, the troubleshooting steps, advanced solutions, and tips to prevent the problem from happening in the future. By following these steps, you can fix the computer won’t boot error and get back to using your computer as normal.


  1. What should I do if my computer won’t boot up even in safe mode?
  • You can try repairing the Windows installation or reinstalling Windows to fix the problem.
  1. Can a virus cause the computer won’t boot error?
  • Yes, a virus or malware infection can cause software issues that can lead to the computer won’t boot error.
  1. Can dust buildup cause the computer won’t boot error?
  • Yes, dust buildup can cause hardware issues that can lead to the computer won’t boot error.
  1. How can I create a bootable USB drive with a Windows operating system?
  • You can use the Windows Media Creation Tool to create a bootable USB drive.
  1. How often should I update my operating system?
  • You should update your operating system regularly, preferably once a month or whenever a new update is available.
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